The Gospel and Technology
The GiST Team are grateful to Jocelyn Williams and Jonathan Baddeley for their assistance in the development and production of these podcasts.
Technology, Identity and Grace – Christopher Watkin
Our technology-driven culture is focussed on making something of ourselves and maximising efficiency. But as those who have received God’s bounteous grace, should we interact with technology and each other differently? Christopher Watkin delves deeply into the mindset driving our technology use.
Chris is a senior lecturer in French Studies at Monash University. He has a special interest in ways in which philosophy and contemporary culture can be brought into conversation with Christian theology.
Podcast Discussion Questions
- What does Genesis 1:27 mean by humanity being made in God’s image? In what ways in this helpful for us as we think about being users of technology? How does our rebellion against God in the Fall provide further challenges to us as we try and use technology wisely?
- Read 1 John 3:1-3 and Mark 8:31-38. How might these passages help us to reflect well about where our hope and our identity lies? How are you tempted to find hope in technology? How are you trying to use technology to construct an identity outside of Christ?
- Are there ways that your identity is being formed through social media or other uses of technology? What difference does God’s grace towards us in Jesus make as we reflect on our true identities? (Eph 2:1-10)
- Read John 12:1-8– Compare Jesus’ and Judas’ attitudes to what Mary chose to do with very expensive perfume. How have you seen Judas’ attitude at work in communities you are part of? How does knowing Jesus help us to be more than pragmatists in our use of resources?
- What is meant by the distinction of using technology as an artist or engineer? How do you use technology: as an artist or as an engineer?
- Think of one area where you would like to grow in this area. Share with your group or someone close to how you would like them to pray for/with you about that
More from Christopher Watkin
- ‘Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of the Modern Life and Culture’ by Christopher Watkin (Zondervan Academic, 2022).
Recommended Resources
Click here for a list of recommended resources including general books, articles, and reflections.