The Gospel and Technology

The GiST Team are grateful to Jocelyn Williams and Jonathan Baddeley for their assistance in the development and production of these podcasts.

Technology and Digital Discipleship – Steve McAlpine

Is technology good, bad or neutral? How can technology both help and hinder our growth as disciples of Christ? Steve McAlpine provides practical wisdom on discipleship in a digital world.

Steve has a background in journalism and three decades experience pastoring and planting churches. His current writing and speaking ministries equip Christians to confidently share the gospel in a hostile culture.

Podcast Discussion Questions

  • Do you think technology is good, evil, or neutral? How does Genesis 1:26-27 (the ‘cultural mandate’) inform your answer? What about Deuteronomy 20:1 and Isaiah 31:1?
  • Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Steve calls this God’s “digital discipleship program”. What does he mean by that?
  • Read Titus 2:1-10. What is your church doing to encourage the kind of embodied discipleship that Paul describes here? What can you do personally in this area?

More from Steve McAlpine

  • ‘Futureproof: How to Live for Jesus in a Culture that Keeps on Changing’ by Stephen McAlpine (The Good Book Company, 2024).

Recommended Resources

Click here for a list of recommended resources including general books, articles, and reflections.