Gender and Sexuality Resources

Gender and Sexuality Resources

‘After experiencing years of confused teachings and variegated responses to my struggles, I’ve found this paper incisive, empathetic, and gospel-promoting around a thorny, divisive set of topics that can be hard for Christians to talk about on both ends of the spectrum.’

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Domestic Abuse Resources

Domestic Abuse Resources

There is a pressing need for the church to respond with Christlike love, wisdom and resoluteness to the problem of domestic abuse. The GiST Team has produced this careful, theological look at how domestic abuse can serve as grounds for divorce to help Christian leaders make God-honouring, biblically faithful and pastorally compassionate decisions.

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Speaking Freely About Jesus Resources

Speaking Freely About Jesus Resources

Speaking openly about Jesus can sometimes feels hard or even dangerous. How can we speak with boldness, love and wisdom? How can we help our friends, work colleagues and family hear the gospel well? And how can we help preserve the freedom to speak about Jesus in our country? Visit our NEW Speaking Freely about Jesus Resources page for some great ideas.

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How do you get from VAD to Jesus?

How do you get from VAD to Jesus?

VAD discussion, at heart, grapples with the intensely personal experience of suffering, dying and mourning. It’s a discussion that pushes us to think about how we show love and hope in Christ to those around us confronting death. VAD promises a ‘good death’, a compassionate ‘way out’ to those who are fearful and suffering in the face of death. But in the gospel, we possess an infinitely better vision of a ‘good death’.

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Speaking Well of Jesus

Speaking Well of Jesus

‘Giving an answer’ for our hope in Christ is one of our greatest privileges and hardest tasks. There is nothing anyone we know needs more than to know Jesus and the forgiveness he offers. But it remains one of the most difficult things we do in our everyday lives. Which words are the wisest? When to speak, when to be silent, when to ask questions? How to love well? Read on for some good ideas.

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Voluntary Assisted Dying Resources

Voluntary Assisted Dying Resources

'Voluntary Assisted Dying' promises a ‘good death’ to those who are fearful and suffering in the face of death. As legislation comes into effect in Victoria and bills are placed before Australian parliaments (including Queensland), VAD is becoming a major issue of our...

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Gist Stories: Living for Jesus in the Corporate Workplace

Abortion and Hope

As abortion becomes more accepted in Queensland and around the world, many of us lament the devastating impact. However, these stories from PCQ members* remind us that God is still seated on His throne and able to work powerfully in the lives of those coping with...

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Abortion Resources

Abortion Resources

How does the gospel shape the way we think, pray, speak, love and act on abortion? Listen, read, share and use our resources.Abortion and Hope As abortion becomes more accepted in Queensland and around the world, many of us lament the devastating impact. However,...

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